BMI Calculator

A Simple BMI Calculator

About BMI

1. What is BMI? BMI, or body mass index, is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. BMI is a reliable indicator of total body fat, which is related to the risk of developing various health conditions. A high BMI can increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. A low BMI may be a sign of malnutrition. 2. What is normal BMI? There is no single answer to this question as BMI varies depending on a person's height and weight. However, a BMI of 25-30 is generally considered overweight, while a BMI of 30 or above is considered obese. 3. What are the benefits of having a low BMI? There are a number of benefits to having a low BMI. These include a reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, people with a low BMI tend to have more energy and a lower risk of developing obesity-related health conditions. 4. What are the risks of having a high BMI? People with a high BMI are at an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Additionally, high BMI is associated with a number of other health risks, such as sleep apnea, joint problems, and respiratory issues. 5. How can I reduce my BMI? There are a number of ways to reduce BMI. These include eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting regular exercise. Additionally, people can try to reduce their body fat percentage by losing weight or increasing muscle mass. 6. Does diet affect BMI Yes, diet plays a role in BMI. Eating a healthy diet can help to maintain a healthy weight and reduce the risk of developing obesity-related health conditions. 7. Is BMI different depending on age? Yes, BMI tends to be different for people of different ages. For example, BMI is generally higher for older adults than for younger adults. Additionally, BMI may be different for men and women of different ages.

BMI Table

The following table shows various weight ranges (in lbs), given a height (ft, inches).

Height (ft) Height (inches) Underweight Healthy Weight Overweight Obese
40< 6161 to 8282 to 98> 98
41< 6363 to 8585 to 102> 102
42< 6666 to 8989 to 106> 107
43< 6868 to 9292 to 111> 111
44< 7171 to 9696 to 115> 115
45< 7474 to 9999 to 119> 120
46< 7777 to 103103 to 124> 124
47< 8080 to 107107 to 129> 129
48< 8383 to 111111 to 133> 134
49< 8585 to 115115 to 138> 139
410< 8989 to 119119 to 143> 144
411< 9292 to 123123 to 148> 149
50< 9595 to 127127 to 153> 154
51< 9898 to 132132 to 158> 159
52< 101101 to 136136 to 163> 164
53< 104104 to 141141 to 169> 169
54< 108108 to 145145 to 174> 175
55< 111111 to 150150 to 180> 180
56< 115115 to 154154 to 185> 186
57< 118118 to 159159 to 191> 192
58< 122122 to 164164 to 197> 197
59< 125125 to 169169 to 202> 203
510< 129129 to 174174 to 208> 209
511< 133133 to 179179 to 214> 215
60< 136136 to 184184 to 220> 221
61< 140140 to 189189 to 227> 227
62< 144144 to 194194 to 233> 234
63< 148148 to 199199 to 239> 240
64< 152152 to 205205 to 246> 246
65< 156156 to 210210 to 252> 253
66< 160160 to 215215 to 259> 260
67< 164164 to 221221 to 265> 266
68< 168168 to 227227 to 272> 273
69< 173173 to 232232 to 279> 280
610< 177177 to 238238 to 286> 287
611< 181181 to 244244 to 293> 294