Site Updates - 20240623

Jamie's avatar

It's been awhile since I last updated the site, but I've made a few tweaks over the last couple of days. Most notably, I have moved hosting from my previous hosting provider to a new host, for various reasons. Fortunately this was a fairly painless process. I also updated the Recipes section and removed the images. I'm keeping it simple and using just hyperlinks. I figure if Bryan Johnson can get away with a site like he has for Blueprint, why do I have to make things all fancy, right?

Speaking about Bryan Jonhson, I placed his Blueprint recipes in the recipes section (attributed to him, of course, per his licensing requirements). I personally haven't tried Nutty Pudding yet, but it seems healthy. Maybe I'll go on a binge of Blueprint food for a week and see how it all goes down.

I realized while moving the site that I never linked to a food\meal tracker that I made last year. I think I had bigger plans for it and intended to build it out more but I never did, so I'm just going to link to it here : Meal Tracker.

The meal tracker saves everything locally on your browser, so it's pretty secure, although it doesn't work cross device. I've added some default meals and foods but you can add your own meals. It gets the nutrition information from Health Canada's nutrition database. Daily macros get calculated and shown.

The UI isn't fabulous, but I'm unlikely to make it much better. It's one of those good intention but never completed projects... which I have many of.